Leverage Microsoft Graph & third-party APIs in SPFx solution

This post is targeted to show a demonstration on how to leverage Microsoft Graph and third-party APIs in our SPFx solution. The intent of this post is to keep the hands-on guidance which can be followed on the same topic as part of Session in M365 Ahmedabad Bootcamp 2020.


Create new SPFx solution

Open a command prompt. Create a new directory and navigate.

md react-spfx-api-demo
cd react-spfx-api-demo

Run below command to start creating new SPFx solution

yo @microsoft/sharepoint

Choose the below options when promoted.

Once it is generated, we should see below

Install react-json-view npm package.

For this demo, we will use a simple react-json-view package to view the API response in beautified JSON format.


npm install --save react-json-view

Open this project in your favorite code editor, mine is Visual Studio Code.

Step – Passing WebPart context to React component

Open “\src\webparts\apiDemo\components\IApiDemoProps.ts”

Modify the code to what’s shown below:

import { WebPartContext } from "@microsoft/sp-webpart-base";

export interface IApiDemoProps {
  description: string;
Open react-spfx-api-demo\src\webparts\apiDemo\ApiDemoWebPart.ts
Open “src\webparts\apiDemo\components\ApiDemo.tsx”
Modify render method to pass the context.
public render(): void {
    const element: React.ReactElement<IApiDemoProps> = React.createElement(
        description: this.properties.description,

    ReactDom.render(element, this.domElement);

Please note we have just added the line ‘context:this.context’

Now, Lets Import json-view package.

import ReactJson from 'react-json-view';

Step – Calling External(anonymous) API

In this demo, we will call a public API which will return us all the countries and some particular fields.


As we are using React, let us create required State objects to hold the data for our component.

export interface IApiDemoState {

Now let us make our react component aware of this state.

export default class ApiDemo extends React.Component<IApiDemoProps, IApiDemoState> {

 public constructor(props:IApiDemoProps,state:IApiDemoState){
  this.state = {  

Add the below link in the render method of the component.

<ReactJson src={this.state.countryresponse} />

Next, let us start to write code to get data from REST API, Add below method

  private async getCountryData(){

    var apiresponse = await this.props.context.httpClient.get(
    .then((response: HttpClientResponse) => {
      return response.json();
    .then(jsonResponse => {
      return jsonResponse;
    }) as Promise<any>;


Now its time to call this method to get data, we will use componentDidMount method to call this method

public componentDidMount(){


Step  – Test your web part, go to Node JS command prompt, and browse till your project structure.

D:\SP\Samples\react-spfx-api-demo>gulp serve

You should see the below output after running this command…



Step – Calling Graph API

In this demo, we will call Graph Teams API to get a list of teams of the current users.

End Point – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-list-joinedteams?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http

Open src\webparts\apiDemo\components\ApiDemo.tsx

Import required Library.

import { MSGraphClient } from "@microsoft/sp-http";

Add below method

private async getMyTeams(){
    var _graphClient:MSGraphClient = await this.props.context.msGraphClientFactory.getClient(); //TODO  
    try {  
      const teamsResponse = await _graphClient.api('me/joinedTeams').version('v1.0').get();  
      myTeams = teamsResponse.value as [];  
    } catch (error) {  
      console.log('Unable to get teams', error);  

Add the object to hold graph API Response in stage

export interface IApiDemoState {

Modify constructor to initialize teamresponse with empty object

public constructor(props:IApiDemoProps,state:IApiDemoState){
 this.state = {  

Modify componentdidMount to call geTeams method

public componentDidMount(){


Modify render method to display response of Graph API to json-viewer

<div>My Teams</div>
      <ReactJson src={this.state.teamresponse} />

Step  – Test your web part, go to Node JS command prompt, and browse till your project structure.

D:\SP\Samples\react-spfx-api-demo>gulp serve

You should see the below output after running this command…


Summary – In this post, we have seen how to leverage Graph API and third-party APIs in the SPFx solution.

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