Enable Magento SOAP api from backend to enable client application to connect with Magento Store.

If you wanted to connect to Magento store from any external application, then you need to enable SOAP api interface from backend and create a user and role based on your requirement. Basically enable Enable Magento SOAP api from backend to enable client application to connect with Magento Store.

Below are steps which need to be followed.

Login to Magento back end with admin credentials

Go to System->Webservices->SOAP/XML RPC Roles

Click on Add new Role

Provide role name

Click on Role Resources

If you wanted a role to be created who has access to all the resources then Select All and Save role

For customized role and its permission select Custom from dropdown and select the API modules/methods to which you wanted this particular role to have access to. This might help you in creating different role for different client applications.

Click on Save and confirm roles is added on role list page.

Now let us go and create a new User.

Go to System->Webservies->SOAP/XML RPC users

Click on Add new user

Provide below information

User nameThis would be the user name which will be used by client application to connect and retrieve session id.
First NameFirst Name of User
Last NameLast name of user
EmailEmail address of user
API Key/API Key ConfirmationThis is important and secret key which client application will use/pass while retrieving session id. This has to be secret and cannot be shared with unknown sources.
Account StatusActive

Click on user Role on left side

Select the role which we created above

Click Save and you are done

Now you can go ahead and connect to Magento SOAP api from client application

Below is sample php code to connect to Magento SOAP api and retrieve session id and get list of products for any particular category. Code is for demonstration purpose only.

Click on user Role on left side

Select the role which we created above


Click Save and you are done

Now you can go ahead and connect to Magento SOAP api from client application

Below is sample php code to connect to Magento SOAP api and retrieve session id and get list of products for any particular category. Code is for demonstration purpose only.

try { 
if($_GET['ver'] == '2') { 
$client = new SoapClient(SOAP_WSDL2, array('trace' => 1,'cache_wsdl' => 0)); 
echo "<br>version 2 <br>"; 
else { 
$client = new SoapClient(SOAP_WSDL,array('trace' => 1,'cache_wsdl' => 0)); 
echo "<br>version 1 <br>"; 
$session = $client->login(SOAP_USER, SOAP_PASS); 
$result = array(); 
try { 
if($_GET['ver'] == '2') 
$result = $client->catalogCategoryAssignedProducts($session,'233'); // 233 here is category id and this method will returns us all the product under this category id 
var_dump ($result); 
else { 
$result= $client->call($session, 'catalog_category.assignedProducts', '233'); // 233 here is category id and this method will returns us all the product under this category id 
var_dump ($result); 
catch (SoapFault $exception) 
{ echo 'EXCEPTION='.$exception; } 
echo "<br>end test<br>"; 
catch (Exception $e)
echo var_dump($e); throw $e; 

Hope this help….Happy Coding!!!!

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